Propagate Happiness Nursery
Propagate Happiness Nursery is located in Titusville, FL. Currently we are running our backyard nursery from our residence servicing the Mims and Titusville area. We host events out of our backyard and attend local events as well. We do not currently have business hours outside of our sales listed below. Don’t worry- we are absolutely planning on opening up a location and will keep you in the loop!
Upcoming Event Schedule- Come out and see us!
3/4/2023 – Backyard Plant Sale – 8:00 – 3:00 Parking in back yard, follow signs
Facebook Event 1495 N. Carpenter Rd. Titusville, FL
3/25/2023 – Fox Lake Spring Craft Fair
Facebook Event Fox Lake Park, Titusville, FL
4/1/2023 – Backyard Plant Sale – 8:00 – 3:00 Parking in back yard, follow signs
Facebook Event Coming 1495 N. Carpenter Rd. Titusville, FL
Due to everchanging inventory we are unable to keep an accurate inventory list of what we have available at all times on our website.
We have 2000+ plants available anywhere from Trees, Shrubs, Flowering Plants, Succulents, and Fruit Trees!

Looking for something specific? You can reach us via Facebook @ Propagate Happiness, or email: Additional photos available upon request
We would love your feedback! Let us know what we should be looking to add to our inventory 🙂 We will keep you updated and let you know when it’s available or if we are able to source it from one of our many wholesalers.
While you are here, take a moment to check out our blog, where I write about things we love, adventures we have had, and share updates on our plant journey!