How I, an over-worker, learned to take time and relax in my hammock…

I spend most of my time keeping incredibly busy. I would say I have a high drive or strong motivation to be successful in all areas of my life. In school, I was a full time dual enrolled student and graduated high school in the same year I graduated with my AA. During that entire time I kept a part time job, and actually started working on my 16th birthday and never stopped. Working hard and being ‘productive’ is in my blood! Some ask me how I keep going all day every day. Currently I have a craft business, full time corporate job, 3 kids, a blog, and several animals. How is it possible to take care of a garden and home with all of that on my plate? Never stop- that is how.

I don’t watch much TV, but I do have a couple of shows my husband and I like to watch. I multitask constantly. In fact, I am rarely doing only one thing at a time. Although it may seem beneficial, I have recently realized the cons to this trait of mine. I don’t know how to relax. I get anxious and upset if I end the day with not much on my accomplished list. There really isn’t a way to enjoy the moment when that is always on your mind.

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Moving to our house last year really put a priority on me enjoying life. I have to be able to look back and feel confident that I enjoyed the ride. So I have tried to make an effort to slow down (which isn’t easy). One of the benefits I have with my full time job is the flexibility to work from home. On the days that I work from home, I force myself to get outside at least twice a day and take a stroll around my 1.5 acre property. Doesn’t take me long, maybe 10 total mins – but during that time I try to shut my brain off and just soak in the beauty around me.

Is anything new growing?
Any new creatures in the garden?
New flowers blooming?

Pretty much every time I go out there I find something new, and snap a photo – that is pretty much where all of my Instagram photos come from. Just random strolling. A new plant that I didn’t even know we had, or maybe an old plant that has new flowers.

It definitely seems to be helping and it puts me in a fantastic mood. We recently put up a new addition to our back yard to encourage relaxation! It was originally a gift to my husband but quickly turned into ‘mine’! It is a hammock!

I wanted something that could be taken down quickly but stay if I wanted it to. We went with the double size and it didn’t disappoint. Now in my routine of walking the yard, I sometimes find myself just hopping into the hammock and watching the leaves above me, the birds flying by, and all the noises that my mini forest makes. THIS is what I hope I can remember long term. (along with the fuzzy flip flops I found at dollar tree- score!)