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We have a monster of a ‘Fire Bush’ growing on the backside of our house. I have trimmed it a couple of times this year but it just grows so fast. Yes, I know its a whole story high, and severely overgrown – but seriously, every time I cut it back, I do it to the bottom of our windows (the ones you cannot even see) and it’s this huge again within a couple of months.

I absolutely love this plant because it’s blooming red flowers attract the bees and hummingbirds. I didn’t even know there were hummingbirds in Florida until I saw them on this plant. So now I want them everywhere. Another huge benefit of this plant is how large it grows. There is a place along my fence that seems pretty bare where I would love to put something bushy and green.

So now that I have finally reached the time to cut this sucker back. Derrick wanted to take cuttings so that we can grow some additional plants (72 to be exact). He created the tutorial video below that goes through the steps that he takes and the products that he uses to propagate them from cuttings.

Before viewing the video I wanted to provide some context on how he gets the cuttings. In the below pictures you can see that he chose a limb of the plant that has some new growth and cuts below 2-3 nodes (new set of leaves).

Now watch the video below on what to do with your cuttings to get them planted.

Click for video tutorial on our YouTube Channel
(Don’t forget to subscribe while you are there!)

Links to the products mentioned in the tutorial:

Tell us how your propagating is coming along in the comments below!