I never forget the feeling of walking away from a hard days work volunteering. I have had an awesome opportunity over the years, through my company to donate my time at Habitat for Humanity. I have volunteered 4 different times over the years and never regretted a second of it.
If you don’t know about this amazing company, you should check them out:
Aside from the warmth that your heart receives, there are also other huge benefits of donating your time. Each time I have volunteered I have learned a new trait that I could use on my own home. Like painting the exterior of your house, helping lift walls into place, and understanding the structure of a home.
Two times I helped put up siding and learned tricks in measuring and how to correctly install hardy board. Believe it or not- my current house is complete cedar sided and we have talked a lot about installing hardy board over the year’s. It’s expensive, and although we will need someone to help finish the job (’cause ain’t nobody getting on a 2nd story ladder carrying these heavy boards up there to hammer in), we could definitely put on all of the siding for half of the wall. I really hope to be writing on here one day telling you all about how proud I am for us saving money by doing it ourselves.
I cannot even count all of the little tips I learn from the builders there about hammering, cutting, carrying, measuring.. it’s just endless learning. I am very grateful for the opportunity. Then to know that this is where someone will start their new chapter in their life… that’s the warm fuzzy heart feeling right there :).
If you get a chance. Don’t pass it up. Donate your time.