Moringa Tree

Common Name: Moringa, Miracle tree, Tree of life, Drumstick tree, Horseradish tree, Ben oil tree
Scientific Name: Moringa Oleifera
Hardy Zone: On the patio: 4-11, Outdoors: 9-11

Quick Reference:

Plant Type: Drought-resistant tree
Height: Can grow up to 35ft when mature
Sun Requirements: Full sun
Flower Color: White blooms
Propagate: Be seed or by cuttings
Uses: For vegetables and herbal medicine

Special features

  • Easy to grow
  • Fast growing
  • Drought tolerant
  • Young seed pods and leaves are used as vegetables and for traditional herbal medicine. 
  • The leaves also have nine essential amino acids, and vitamins A, B, and C. They’re full of protein and can be used as a substitute for meat, fish, and eggs. Moringa leaves have been used to help treat malaria, arthritis, skin diseases, and diabetes.
  • Check out some recipes using Moringa!

I bought my first Moringa tree about 4 years ago, and I have no idea how this thing has survived so many years with me. Every time I think its dead, it gets bigger with more growth the following season. It has been in a pot for 3 out of the 4 years but now that we were able to put it in the ground, I am hoping for growth that will allow me to harvest the pods and leaves for a great nutritional boost. The uses and health benefits fascinate me!

If you have one or are planning to get one, you should absolutely read up on how to use the leaves, and “fruit” to the fullest! You can read more about growing, harvesting, and storing your Moringa tree.. Here!

We hope to master propagation of this tree once ours gets larger, and would love to offer it as part of our nursery!