Friday August 7th 2020, one day before our 12th marriage anniversary, Derrick and I finally hit a milestone we have been waiting for. We passed our plant inspections, and became a licensed to sell plant nursery in Florida.

It’s amazing how much can change in just a short year. Last year about this time we were just thinking about how cool it would be to expand our personal garden and Derrick was making new plants for fun.
I even remember the day we decided that Propagate Happiness could be a business and “we could really do this” type of talk happened over dinner. We have come a long way, including me sacrificing my craft room to tables of plant domes, and cloning lights.
We have worked through so many failures and insects like you wouldn’t believe. But we knew this was part of the journey, so to have our final step of an inspection where someone looked at all of our plants and gave us a “These look amazing” comment- uhhhh Yeah- we are over the moon right now.
Although our longer term plan is to wholesale to local landscapers and nurseries, we do expect to be selling directly to customers during plant fairs and various festivals. Another part of our business will be this blog- my goal is to bring all of our rural homestead learnings and gardening tips and tricks right to you! So stay tuned!
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