How did we come up with our name?

Propagate has two meanings. #1- it’s used as the process of cloning one plant into another via the mother plant, or “breed” plants. This is exactly what we do to create our inventory. #2- it can also meant to promote or spread.

So in the first meaning- our name refers to how we make our plants and we love what we- it really does give us happiness! In the second meaning, it refers to how we spread happiness to others through plants, and that my friends- is our goal with this business.

Why start a business in 2020?

Although legally our business was started during a pandemic, we made the decision to start Propagate Happiness in November of 2019. Our original intention was to create a local wholesale nursery to supply the retail nurseries in surrounding areas. Derrick would be able to get out of his corporate job and do something he is great at, and loves. Then eventually I would follow if the business ever needed me to. 2020 was a large set back for our business. We had planned to attend craft shows / farmers markets monthly to get off the ground. Unfortunately all but 1 show was cancelled. This extra time helped us determine that our original focus for this business needed to change.

What’s next for Propagate Happiness?

2021 offers more promise as we already have several shows on the books (Check them out here), and line of site to more in the future. We are also in the very early stages of planning to open a local location. Could be this year, could be 5 years from now- but its definitely in our plans! More to come!

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