If you know our family, you know all of our animals {big and small} are completely spoiled. Our new ducks were no exception! When they were big enough to swim (pretty much immediately) we bought them some kiddie pools to play around in, and gave them baths in the house often. It was clear that they loved water, which wasn’t a shocker.

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The decision to put a small pond on our property so that our ducks have unlimited enjoyment was pretty quick. The work that it took wasn’t very quick but the overall concept and work was simple. (Note that I say simple when I wasn’t the person who dug it or did any work haha.)

The biggest question was how large do we go? Which turned into, How large can we go? We looked online to find the plastic tub ponds that just set into the ground and all were fairly small when you think of 3 grown ducks swimming in there. So we turned our eyes to a pond liner that would allow us to shape how we wanted and go larger.

We ended up purchasing a TotalPond pond liner 13 x 20 feet which gave us plenty of room!

When planning out your pond my suggestion would be to remember that the depth of your pond is going to take away from the width and length you have available. Luckily- we only needed ours about 2-3 feet deep. Derrick spent a lot of time digging and ended up digging the hole a lot larger than we could cover with the tarp. So we ended up filling a portion back in.

Although it is hard to see from the pictures, our design has a ramp like area that snakes around to the deeper part of the pond. This allows the ducks to walk up and down and determine how much water they want to be in, or just give their legs a rest.

In order to stabilize the liner and ensure it doesn’t move, we added some rocks around the edge that we picked up from a local landscaping place. It definitely did the trick!

Whatever you do- please just make sure that your pond is deep enough for your ducks to try to reach the bottom and their little bum is up in the air while they swim around. It is literally the most adorable thing you will ever see.
The final touch that we added was a solar fountain to float around and keep the water moving. Currently we only have one, but we may buy a second one so that we have more movement for our sized pond. Needless to say.. the ducks are having a blast!